Oct 1, 2024

How to edit your wardrobe seasonally: A professional organiser’s guide

Journal, Tips

Nobody wants to be hunting for woolly scarves and jackets while rummaging through rails of summer tank tops and floaty skirts — and that’s why editing your wardrobe seasonally is such a lifesaver.

Plus, if space is an issue, you probably won’t have enough room to house all four seasons’ worth of your clothes inside a single wardrobe. That’s where a seasonal wardrobe edit comes in.


Consider it your opportunity to save space and say goodbye to visual overwhelm (Because who wants to see a million and one out-of-season skirts, tops, and dresses when getting dressed?!)

Organising your clothes, shoes, and accessories by season means you have everything you need to hand — whether you’re reaching for a toasty jacket to keep you warm on a chilly day or a summer dress to wear to a BBQ.

Here, a professional organiser shows you how it’s done.


Decluttering your wardrobe for the season ahead: top tips

First things first, when should you do a seasonal wardrobe edit? It’s a good idea to edit your wardrobe for Autumn/Winter and then again before Spring/Summer.

There’s no hard and fast rule about how far in advance you need to declutter, but paying attention to the weather is a good idea.

Feeling a nip in the air? Time to bring those scarves and hats out from where they’ve been hiding.

Noticed temperatures are starting to climb? Time to give your summer clothes the top spot in your wardrobe.

Whenever you decide to complete a seasonal wardrobe edit, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to do it. It’s not a 30-minute-squeeze-it-between-meetings kind of job.

Give yourself 3-4 hours to complete it and make sure to take plenty of breaks in between.

Ready? Great. Now follow this step-by-step guide.

Pull everything out

The first rule of organising your wardrobe? Knowing what you have. That means pulling absolutely everything out. (Don’t forget items you have stowed away in drawers, storage containers, or vacuum pack bags!)

Lay it all out on the bed where you can see it and don’t be intimidated if you’re facing a mountain. (Sorting it isn’t nearly as scary as it looks, promise!


Decide what to keep, toss, or donate

Now that you know exactly what you have, It’s time to tackle it. Take three individual sheets of paper and label them ‘Keep’, ‘Toss’ and ‘Donate’.

Before you even think about where each item fits seasonally, you need to consider whether it’s actually something you want to hold on to.

Pick each item up. Feel the fabric. Really look at it. Consider how it makes you feel.

Ask yourself if it’s something you’ve worn in the past six months and if, truthfully, it’s something you see yourself wearing in future.

The answers to these questions will help you decide whether each item is something you want to hold on to or let go of. (If you’re choosing the latter and it’s in good condition, make sure to pop it in the ‘Donate’ pile.


Organise what’s left into seasons

At this stage, the mountain should be a little smaller and less intimidating. (Phew!) And the even better news? You’re about to whittle it down even further.

Grab pen and paper again, and this time write ‘Autumn/Winter’ on one sheet and ‘Spring/Summer’ on the other.

As before, assess each item individually and decide whether or not it’s an Autumn/Winter or Spring/Summer item.

As you do this, you might come across some items that can be worn year-round. If you do, create a third pile and label it ‘Transitional’.

These are items that you can wear across the seasons, (Think layerable items like light jackets and shirts.)

At this stage, you should have 2-3 clearly defined piles. Marvel at your work and take a little break before moving on to the next step.


Give each season a home

It’s time to put everything away. But before you do that, pull out any storage boxes you might need — and don’t forget to give the inside of your wardrobe a quick hoover and a wipe down too.

Now that everything’s spick and span, you can begin filtering your items back into your wardrobe.

If you’re organising for Autumn/Winter make sure you give your Autumn/Winter clothes prime location. And vice versa if you’re organising for Spring/Summer.

Put them where they are easily seen and accessible. Don’t forget to put any transitional items there too.

As for the out-of-season stuff? You won’t be needing these for several months so tuck them away neatly in storage boxes, bottom drawers, and spare wardrobes — if you have them.

The keyword there is ‘neatly’. Be sure to fold rather than chuck, and look for zip-up storage items or storage boxes with tightly fitted lids to protect your clothes from mould and damage.

And repeat!

At this point, there’s nothing left to do except breathe a sigh of relief and take in your incredible work.

We hope you’re peering into your wardrobe feeling excited about what you’ll be wearing for the next few months.

Once the season starts to turn, it’s time to do it all again.



Do you feel like you’re drowning in clutter and you’re too overwhelmed to do anything about it? Are you ready to clear out the clutter so you can finally breathe a sigh of relief?  A Good Moment Company’s professional organising services are here to help. Contact us today and let’s turn your space into the haven you deserve!